
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Salaam Indians

                                     Sanjeev Bikhchandani

                        Is a classic story of spotting an opportunity andchasing it with guts,
                                determination, lots of hard work and a little bit of luck.

                  (the company is listed as Info Edge India Ltd on the Bombay Stock  Exchange)
                       is India's number one job portal at a time when there is a seriousscarcity
                       of employable people in just about every sector of business and industry.
                  It is also an extremely successful dot-com, having weathered the 2000meltdown.
                                     How much better can it get? Naukri's CEO spoke to
                                           MONEYLIFE editors Sucheta Dalal and

                                                     Debashis Basu
             about the road he took and its various turningpoints  Shall we start with a little bit 
             about your background and your upbringing?When and how did you decide to be
             an entrepreneur? There are no business people in my family  My father is a doctor
             and he wasin the government from 1950 to 1983. So we were brought up in 
             governmentcolonies.  I studied at St. Columbus School in Delhi, so did my brother.
             There wasno business background in the family, no great financial  acumen or anything.
             My brother went to IIT, Kanpur, then IIM Ahmedabad and then did his PhDfrom
             Stanford. It was forgone in our  family that one would do engineering orbecome a
             doctor the standard  middle class aspirations of parents in governmentservice.
             So I dutifully prepared for IIT entrance, took the exams and qualified.
             Then two or  three things happened. My rank wasn't great.
             I wouldn't havegot the top three or four departments
             Download Ultimate Vocabulary Software For FREE For 
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Monday, December 12, 2011

Never Give Up On Love

                  " Don't give up, okay? I know you've been hurt.
       I know how it feels. Believe me, I do. But the feeling will pass.
             The tears will stop falling.Your heart will heal itself."

If you know in your heart that your relationship is truly over

take your time to grieve you will most certainly need it, but

don't succumb to your grief. What's most important is that you 

are able to pick yourself back up again, you don't need your ex

to survive. Try to avoid your ex completely as seeing them around,

talking to them on the phone, hanging with mutual friends, or 

listening to songs that remind you of them will probably lead to

more pain and confusion, especially if you know that it is really

over. Focus on bettering yourself, and take what you learned from

this past experience and make sure you put it to good use for your 

Next Relationship.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Public Key Infrastructure

                            Information Sharing Technology 
1.  Program Description……………………………………………………………………….
2.  Performance Tables…………………………………………………………………......
3.  Performance, Resources, and Strategies………………………………………………
a.  Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes………………………………………...
b.  Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes………………………………………………
c.  Results of Program Assessment…………………………………………………
V. Program Offsets………………………………………………………………

                                          A.  Organizational Chart
                                          B.  Summary of Requirements
                                          C.  Program Increases/Offsets by Decision Unit
                                          D.  Resources by DOJ Strategic Goal/Objective
                                          E.  Justification for Base Adjustments
                                          F.  Crosswalk of 2010 Availability
                                          G.  Crosswalk of 2011 Availability
                                          H.  Summary of Reimbursable Resource     
                                           I.  Detail of Permanent Positions by Category
                                           J.  Financial Analysis of Program Changes
                                          K.  Summary of Requirements by Grade
                                          L.  Summary of Requirements by Object Class

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Amazing Two Legged Dog

                  He Was Rejected & Scorned.
This is a story about a dog who was born on Christmas Eve in 2002. He was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs and 1 abnormal front leg which needed to be amputated. He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.
 His first owner also did not think that he could survive. Therefore, he was thinking of putting him to sleep.. At this time, his present owner Jude Stringfellow came into his life and wanted to take care of him. She was determined to teach and train this dog to walk by himself. She thought, all we need is a little faith. Therefore she named him 'Faith.' 

     In Life There Are Always Undesirable Things. 
  • Perhaps a person who feels things are not going as well as they could will feel better if they change their point of view and see things from another perspective.
  • Perhaps this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone.
  • Perhaps everyone can appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day that follows.
      Life Is The Continual Demonstration of The
      Power of Thinking Positive & Having Faith.
                        Believe In Yourself
                         Never Lose Faith.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Approach Learning Communit


                           SCENE # 1

  • Every Parents Want Their Children To Score Good  Marks In Exams, But Very Few Get Good Marks.

                                      SCENE # 2
      Every Student Wants To Score Good Marks In Exams,                    But Very Few Get Good Marks.

     CLAP43.COM Can Save Your Time & Money

                       MARK ZUCKERBERG

  • Created A Social Place Where Friends Come Together And Share Photos, Stories, Movies, Things , Jokes.
  • 27 yr Old Mark Zuckerberg's Net Worth Is $17.5 bn Dollars (90,000 Crores)

                       NOW ITS YOUR TURN

  • Share & Grow, Learn How You Can Share Our Technology And Score Good Marks In Exams,
  • At The Same Time Earn A Decent Part Time Income & Support Your  Education.

                      Get Inspired & Create History.

  • So, Good Marks In Exams & Super Extra Income Will Definately Solve Most Of Your Problems In Life. 
  • As  shown  in  this  paper  the  implementation  of  innovative  and  expanded  learning  strategies 
  • could now be realised at an undefined dimension by using digital environments and devices. 
  • Futur(e)Learning intends to encourage pioneers and settled teachers as wel